Thursday, 22 August 2013

ॐ OM ॐ

The Meaning of Om

Before the beginning, the Brahman (absolute reality) was one and non-dual. It thought, "I am only one  may I become many." This caused a vibration which eventually became sound, and this sound was Om. Creation itself was set in motion by the vibration of Om. The closest approach to Brahman is that first sound, Om. Thus, this sacred symbol has become emblematic of Brahman just as images are emblematic of material objects.

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Monday, 19 August 2013

The Mirror

It All Begins With My Mirror

The mirror in my life,

is a valuable tool that I use to see myself more clearly. Thus, expanding my awareness of myself and the world around me. As I become willing to embrace the light and shadow that I possess, I bring wholesomeness to myself and my surroundings.

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Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Get Connected!

Get Connected!

The moment you open your heart to the acceptance that you are a blessed miracle in life, you will feel connected to all that is. And all that is, is your true reality, is within you.
Allow it's embracement, bask in its love, happiness, peace and harmony.
Look at yourself daily and say to yourself,

I accept my beauty inside and outside.
I thrive on my true reality, that which is infinite love.
I nurture that which will create positivism in my life.
I cherish the miracle that I am.
Thus, you will begin at the root of all beginnings.
In doing so your hearts door is open to receive.

I do not accept negativity of any sort.
I will do everything possible to feel wholeness, for wholeness is holiness.
I will embrace peace within me and all that is around me.
I will focus on self love, for I firstly need to love myself before loving anything else in creation.

I am.   

With Love nn

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Saturday, 3 August 2013

For Friendship Sake

For Friendship Sake

For Friendship Sake,
Reach for me and I’ll reach for you,
hold my hand, feel my touch, hear my voice, see my face as I see yours.
For friendship sake, I thee will never forsake.
I do not ask to walk smooth paths, nor bear an easy load,
for friendship gives one courage to scale the highest peaks,
and transforms every stumbling block into a stepping stone.
For friendship sake, I thee never forsake.
For we see no obstacles, pressures and changes too big,
no road is too rocky for friendship sake, I never forsake.
For friendship is so very dear to me.

(108 Gems Of Wisdom)

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Purity Of Friendship

Purity Of Friendship

I am a friend who loves purely and dearly.
Take my hand when you have doubts,
Fears and troubled times.
From my heart I give to you my dear friend
Peace, Respect, Compassion,
Honesty, Loyalty, Trust and Love.
I am that bridge over troubled waters.
Look into my eyes and you will see true friendship.
Never mistake it ever, ‘cause it’s pure.

(108 Gems Of Wisdom)

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