Monday 26 November 2012

Shift You Mind For The Shift That takes Place

Yes, there is a shift taking place in 2012. Did you know this?

The only way to shift yourself through this shift , is by shifting your mind. Speedily detox the toxins out of your mind. When your mind, is transparent and your thought, word and deed are crystal clear and shining through, you will be embraced. Mother Nature rebirths, during this period, bringing in energy new. Transform yourself to receive this great boon, Mother Nature's Gift to you . You may laugh, mock or feel this is utter silliness. By all means do this, you are the one who will reap what you sow.
Ways to transform that MIND.
-Mind that mind like a new born babe.
-Recognize that something is taking place around you.
-Get rid of that self- centeredness.
-Remove all negative feelings from within you.
-Release negative energy.
-Do not cultivate that which is of no use to you and the wider world.
- Sow only the seeds of love in yourself and all around you.
-Try  to be in stillness as much as you can.
-Conserve your energy, time and make use of this in a productive way.
-Open your heart and allow only for self righteousness to walk within it.
-Remember this will benefit you and your family and the wider world greatly during this time.

With Love
Nelline Naidoo

May love and light reside within you all
May all the people of all worlds be happy.

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