Friday 25 January 2013

True Gem

Every human being is awarded a precious gem in life, some choose to believe it is material wealth in this physical life, such as gold, diamonds and a lot of possessions. This as you know is transient like the passing clouds. One moment here and the next gone.
Minority, only a handful of precious people recognize the real gem granted to them. This gem is the rarest of its kind, it's the priceless one, which is just a blink away. Yet we continue to seek that which is already glaring at us.
This precious gem, is in the form of ultimate love.
There is no gem more worthy of being classified as the most valuable in creation.
I give my full gratitude for being bestowed with this gift, which is the recognition of the love that which I am and being able to love others with this love.
So do take some time to recognize your true and everlasting gem.

The ultimate love!

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