Sunday 30 December 2012

Love Is Energy

Love Is Energy
It is manna for the heart, soul and body whole.
Love energy is most effective in multiple ways in one's life. If you put it to good use your life and that of others will take a turn towards positivism.  It effectively heals one from within. Remember, within is the core of your being, is the root of your life. So everything begins within this core. Therefore this love energy can be used to heal you making you wholesome, if used effectively from the root, then moving onward, upwards, outwards and touching vastly creation at large. Use this love energy wisely.  Love energy by no means must be manipulated, abused and used in the form of feeding your sensual desires. But to make you whole, thus allowing all else to fall into place. To all of you out there always keep the door open and be ready to receive this love energy from some kindly soul who readily gives selflessly. Also try to generate this love energy which lies dormant within your core, just awaiting your acknowledgement.  Use it well and do not abuse it.
ps. Tips!
It is a great cosmetic.
Detoxes the pollution from within.
Removes your bad qualities.
Makes you really beautiful in always.
Fills you with positive energy.
And a great stress reliever :)

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