Love All,
Serve all
To love and
serve is to worship the God in the heart of everyone, by serving them in
actions filled with selfless love.
is the solvent for the hardest of hearts. Without love, free, full and
selfless, love and serve all will be unsuccessful. Let love be ever translated into service, into
beneficial acts, sweet words of consolation, comfort, and courage, and thoughts
of sympathy and compassion.
It is this pure
heart uncontaminated by conceit, greed , envy , hatred, is the unlimited,
boundless spring of selfless giving.
The first prerequisite for
love and serve is the spirit of sacrifice. This can be developed only through
love. The person filled with love is
ready to make any sacrifice.
self sacrifice you will come to know your true nature, which is thus goodness.
This goodness will, in turn confer purity upon you. Once you have purity, there
will be unity. And once you have unity, you can reach Divinity, which is verily
within you. With each act of love and service, you are recognizing your true reality. With each act of hate and grab, you are moving farther and farther away from this truth. The ideal of service must inspire others. Serve the others and in turn they will serve you. Exploit it and it will exterminate you.
Put an end to laziness; bury your clamorous ego, bury the greed for power and pelf; then you have the qualifications needed for loving and serving.
The mind soaked in love can confer peace, joy, and wisdom, among humanity by love all, serve all. This is sheer humaneness, your true reality.
Inspired by my Guru Sai Baba
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