Thursday 24 January 2013

The Pot Calling The Kettle Black

Do you remember this story,

The pot calling the Kettle Black.

When someone accuses another of a fault like lying, sloth or greed this phrase is used to counter accuse.
For example, if you were spying on your girlfriend's e-mails and she found out about it while she was spying on your e-mails her accusation that you didn't trust her could be countered with, isn't that the pot calling the kettle black, since she also has trust issues.

This comes from a period when pots and kettles were both made out of cast iron, so both the pot and the kettle were black.
The kettle calling the pot black, both are black, so it refers to a person who is telling another person that they are doing something wrong when they are doing the same thing.
For example a smoker telling another smoker that they shouldn't smoke, a thief calling someone else a thief. etc

ps. Commonly occurring now days.

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